Moustached Turca
(Pteroptochos megapodius megapodius) -Turca- ‘I live connected to my femininity, the Earth and my cycles. I am receptive, welcoming and motherly if required.’ Helps develop receptivity towards oneself and in relationships with others. Awakens the capacity to offer and receive maternal protection and cosiness. Invites us to reconnect with our feminine side. Encourages trust in our instinctive and passive capacity of seduction to reconnect with what we are instead of searching outside. These affective qualities invite us to enjoy sexuality, find our balanced menstrual cycle and reconnect to fertility and motherhood. Uses: For those, men or women, who are in conflict with their feminine side, tendency to be overactive and masculine, especially when related to the show of affection. Develop our receptive side, fear of sexuality encounters with the opposite sex and penetration. Aids connection to our cyclicity, receptivity and ability to receive and generate life. Sacral Chakra traumas.
How to Use
- Add 7 drops from the stock bottle to 30 ml of dosage bottle for direct intake. You can take just one or combine as many as you need in one bottle. Once all essences are added, top up the bottle with water and a preservative of your choice (like Brandy, glycerine or vodka).
- More or fewer drops of this essence can be used if deemed necessary.
- The standard dose for direct intake is 7 drops / 2 times a day. In more acute states, the intake can be increased to 3 or 5 times a day and even taken every 5 or 10 minutes during a crisis until the state passes.