Paine Granite
'Healthy Boundaries'
'The path is long and it's necessary to know when to stop. It's important to know when to let go to lighten the burden. And it's also necessary to know when to distance ourselves from those around us. Basic self-care to go far and without pain.'
Uses: Inability to set boundaries, both physical and emotional. Joint injuries that persist over time or continue to cause discomfort.
Chakra 1
How to Use
- Add 7 drops from the stock bottle to 30 ml of dosage bottle for direct intake. You can take just one or combine as many as you need in one bottle. Once all essences are added, top up the bottle with water and a preservative of your choice (like Brandy, glycerine or vodka).
- More or fewer drops of this essence can be used if deemed necessary.
- The standard dose for direct intake is 7 drops / 2 times a day. In more acute states, the intake can be increased to 3 or 5 times a day and even taken every 5 or 10 minutes during a crisis until the state passes.